Accompagner les enfants, adolescents et jeunes adultes empêchés dans leurs apprentissages pour des raisons socio-culturelles ou médicales
(*) Sciences, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics

Women In Advanced Mathematics & Computer Science
Séphora Berrebi Scholarships
Séphora Berrebi Women in Advanced Mathematics & Computer Science Scholarship aims at encouraging active involvment of young women in scientific research, especially in the mathematics and computer science areas.
These scholarships are awarded in complement of a main financing to young female researchers, enrolled as a PhD student or as a post-doctoral fellow. The applicants should be French, or Israeli, or of any nationality provided they are enrolled in a doctoral school, research laboratory or institute in France or in Israel.
A total of four laureates are selected each year by a prestigious jury of recognized researchers.
For the fifth edition, the call for applications will be launched by the end of November 2021.
2020-2021 Computer Science Jury was chaired by Professor Ron Kimmel.
2020-2021 Mathematics Jury was chaired by Professor Maria J. Esteban